Friday 2 September 2011


     With lists of what to eat, where to eat, and even how to eat we arrived in Paris ready to, well, eat. The research was intensive and to be honest we were intimidated, there was almost too much to try. We concluded the only way to be successful was to eat pastries and chocolates for breakfast... it really was more out of necessity than desire. It would be tough but it was a job we were willing to take!
    The first morning started in the Tuileres Garden with a violet macaroon from the famous Pierre Hermes. It was my first bite of Paris and instantly welcomed my taste buds into a world of unique perfection. Its flavor is hard to pinpoint. I won't even attempt to describe it with the limited vocabulary I possess. Shocking as this may be (all of you know how much I like to talk) there are no words, only sighs of joy and angelic choirs of delight. When there sadly was no more we walked the main drag in order to visit the surrounding sites. The louvre, champs élysées, notre dame - check.   From there we stumbled upon the Jewish quarter where we discovered the city's best falafel and a gelato shop that gives Italy a run for its money.  After a long day of walking we returned to our hotel in the 13th district and ate a huge burrito-like crepe stuffed with cured ham, cheese, and all the works. Street food in Paris was quickly becoming one of my favorites!

The next morning we met up with my aunt and uncle who strangely enough happened to be in Paris as well. After a day of exploring Montmartre they were kind enough to take us to one of the most memorable dinners of my life. The pleasure of being with aunt Susan and uncle Darrell was enough to make the night great but to top it off was the mouthwatering food (and wine) that accompanied our conversations. Calamari with an over easy egg and parmesan started the meal with a bang as the yolk flowed over each strand of shining squid. Next came a wonderful moment, sweet breads. Perhaps a better definition would be cow glands which to my surprise were so tender and down right delicious that I seriously fell in love with food all over again. The meal ended with a smorgasbord of fruit and the freshest whipped cream I have ever had on a handmade sweet cracker. It was divine, each bite and every detail. I truly felt honored to taste such an expression of food.
     With each day more delicious than the next we opted for a change and did a 4 hour free walking tour that acquainted us with the city's history. For the first time since arriving I was finally starting to feel a real connection. I have been to Paris once before and felt slightly disconnected. I hoped now, older and possibly wiser, I would be able to instantly see what makes this city so special. Don't get me wrong, I was thoroughly enjoying myself and utterly googly-eyed over the amazing selection of food offered at every turn. Although I enjoyed the gorgeous architecture, great markets, and heavenly pastries I knew I was missing something.  Now, three days in, the magic of Paris was quickly unfolding. Now I was caught in a whirlwind of sugarplum fairies, golden rainbows, and chocolate rivers that all lead me to here, to beautiful Paris! The next two days were sensational but sadly our clarity came too close to leaving. Over a wonderful final meal of steak tartar and escargot it was determined that we MUST come back! We would return after Germany and spend our last ten days in a city that echoes so much of what we both believe about life and food. I still dont know why I missed it before. Maybe it was so blatantly in front of my face that I somehow looked past it. Maybe like friendship it took time to truly understand....whatever the reason, it was clear now and I was falling head over heals for the city of love.

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